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How do the credits work?
Updated over a week ago


At White Label Suite, we are committed to making lead generation efficient and transparent. Our AI Lead Search feature uses a straightforward credit system to help you manage your prospecting efforts. Here’s how you can utilize your credits across the different search functionalities.

People Search

The People Search has a multi-tier credit usage system to ensure maximum results.

  • Tier 1—No Credit Used: After entering your search criteria, adding Advanced filters (optional), and clicking "Continue," the initial search results are produced and provide a pool of prospects to choose from.

  • Tier 2—One Credit Used: Once you've decided which prospects you'd like to add to your List, you must check each and click "Add to list." If we can verify the data, it will return basic data like email, socials, and phone numbers. We do not guarantee what data is returned or how many points of contact are revealed.

  • Tier 3—Two Credits Used: This last tier further "enriches" the prospect. It requires a selection of one or more to start the process and produce additional data like their education, job history, skills, and more. We do not guarantee what data is returned or how many points of contact are revealed.

Company Search

  • Usage: 1 credit per company (with at least one validated email). We do not guarantee what data is returned or how many points of contact are revealed.

  • Details: This search targets companies based on geographical location. You will be charged 1 credit for each company where at least one valid email address is successfully retrieved.

  • Data Enrichment: 1 credit is used for every company uploaded in your CSV file. We do not guarantee what data is returned or how many points of contact are revealed.

Domain Search

  • Usage: 1 credit per email.

  • Details: Target specific domains to find email addresses associated with them. Each email found under the targeted domain costs 1 credit. We do not guarantee what data is returned or how many points of contact are revealed.

In conclusion, the system is designed to maximize your outreach while keeping costs predictable. Each credit spent is an investment in building a more targeted and effective sales pipeline.

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