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How to White Label The Lead Generation Tool Domain Using A Subdomain
How to White Label The Lead Generation Tool Domain Using A Subdomain

This Article Walks You Through Seting Up a Subdomain Using an "A" Name or "CNAME" Record

Updated over a week ago

Setting Up an "A Name" Record or "CName" Record

If you're using our software, you may have noticed that your domain is pointing to While this is perfectly fine, you may want it to appear to be coming from your domain instead. This gives you a more personalized experience and even sells the tool as a standalone.

This article will set up an "A Name" or "CName" record for your subdomain.

Set Up an "A Name" Record or "CNAME" Record?

By setting up an "A Name" record or "CName" record, you can have your domain or subdomain pointing to our software. This means that instead of using, you can use your domain, such as This allows you to brand the software as your own and even sell it as a standalone system.

Selling White Label Suite to Non-HighLevel Users

One benefit of having your domain pointing to our software is that you can sell it to people who don't use HighLevel. This means that if you have a client who uses a different CRM, White Label Suite can still integrate with their system. This opens up a whole new market for you to sell to!

How to Set Up an "A Name" Record

To set up an "A Name" record, you must point your domain's "A" record to the address It's important to note that you should leave the orange proxy symbol on when setting up this record.

How to Set Up a "CName" Record

Alternatively, you can set up a "CName" record by redirecting it to and adding the word "leads" in the "Name" section. When someone visits your subdomain, they will be directed to White Label Suite without knowing it, making it look like it's part of your brand. Please ensure the proxy setting is turned off when setting up this record.


Your domain pointing to our software allows you to have a more personalized experience and even sell the tool as your own. Whether you set up an "A Name" record or a "CName" record, both options allow you to brand and sell the software to a broader audience. If you have any more questions or need help setting up these records, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.

Please Note

If you aren’t hosting your domain on Cloudflare and you're having issues securing your subdomain, please let us know, and we can help create a Custom Hostname on our Cloudflare account.

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